Thursday, October 31, 2019

Analysis of the exam for admission to higher education institutions Essay

Analysis of the exam for admission to higher education institutions - Essay Example According to Karen Huffman in her book ‘Psychology in Action’, the scientific standards for a good Psychological Test to measure intelligence are standardization, reliability and validity. Standardization is when norms and uniform procedures must be established for giving and scoring in a particular test. Reliability includes that the test should be such that measures stable and consistent scores when the test is administered the second time and lastly validity is when the results measure what the true purpose of conducting the test was.SAT is standard for everyone and is also reliable at the same time. But when it comes to validity, some people argue that the results of the test do not show the true intelligence of the person. Why is this so? According to K12 Academics, which is an Education Resource Centre, the analogies in the verbal section are ambiguous and there are errors in the scoring of math scores. In 2001 Richard C. Atkinson urged the American Council of Educ ation to drop SAT Reasoning test as a college admission requirement. He recommended making this test optional. Because of this, in 2005, the pattern of the SAT Reasoning test was changed. In 2006, the average national score of the SAT dropped by seven percentage points from 2005. This was the largest drop in 31 years and was reported in the ‘Yale Daily News’ by Josh Duboff. An article published in 2007 by Maya Srikishnan, who is a reporter for ‘The Daily Texan’, reports that this new and improved test also got criticized because of its writing section.... Also this test puts people who do not have English as their first language at a disadvantage as a bigger portion of the test now required the students to know English. This new test was also condemned because of the duration of the test. Students and educationalists argue that the test is too long and this affects the scores of students (Srikishnan, 2007). In short, the new test is argued to be even less valid than the older one. There have also been a lot of errors in the calculation of the final scores. In 2006, it was reported by 'The Daily Gamecock' that all together out of 495,000 tests, 4411 tests had been incorrectly marks. This error in checking makes the test unreliable to some extent. (Pope, 2006) In an article 'Test Bias: The SAT in the College Admissions Process' written by Susan Woollen, she reports that College Board itself emphasizes that SAT should not be used as a main criterion of admission and that it is wrong to determine the grade point average, class rank and ot her qualities in a student by just considering the score of SAT. She also argues that the questions in SAT are also culturally biased towards Blacks and Hispanics. In 2002, the average score of a white American was 527 in verbal and 533 on math section while blacks scored an average of 430 in verbal and 427 in math. This proves that when the scores of different ethnicities were compared, there was a huge difference and according to Susan and her sources, this difference is because of the cultural biased design of SAT. The minorities kept scoring consistently lower than whites. However, this could be because of the quality of education and low housing conditions that are given to the minorities.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Business Skills for Proposals and Pitches Essay - 1

Business Skills for Proposals and Pitches - Essay Example In this context, people of the country have an immense demand for spa, relaxation as well as leisure pastimes. Thai Day spa will be set-up in the city owing to the fact that the available spa businesses are mostly based on beauty products. Additionally, the treatment procedures adopted in most of the spas in the city are based on western treatment style. Thai Day spa will provide beauty care and treatment services with traditional products, which will be obtained from Harnn Products Co. Ltd. Thai Day spa in the market segment of London will intend to make its presence felt with different natural products and traditional Thai treatment services in order to perform sustainably as well as to build a unique brand image. In this regard, the mission of the spa will provide a sense of well-being to our customers by quality services and natural products, and they want to return to experience again. The objectives of the spa are specific to its aim, as the spa with the assistance of the objectives will be able to develop a better customer base and brand image in the long run with differentiated products along with treatments. The people need leisure and relaxation services in order to minimise stress as well as work related pressures within a short span of time. The advantage of the spa is that it will focus on unique Thai herbal and holistic products and traditional healing philosophy based treatment services that are exclusive to the business and are not offered anywhere else in the region. These treatment facilities will be provided within a short time. Thai Day spa will provide massage as well as treatment therapies in a traditional manner practiced in Thailand. The ultimate concept of the spa will be to offer effective healing along with treatments based on holistic medicine along with Thai herbal. Correspondingly, the spa will provide different services that include Thai compress, Thai heritage massage and Thai

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Space For The New Orthopedic Service Line

Space For The New Orthopedic Service Line Before the decision to build is determined there are several mitigating factors that must be considered first which are: creating customer surveys based on more defined community interest, doing market research to see the location to build the facility, taking time with the other specialist or constituent groups to listen to their input on building the facility given their past knowledge, taking time to focus on the other nonprofits within the city and the state to analyze their strategic positions, and any other knowledge source that can be utilized to make the best decision on building the medical office. The consideration to focus would be to meet the needs of our possible primary customers or patients, any supporting current customers, professional medical staff, board members of the hospital or medical group in order to meet the expectations of the five year strategic plan. Another decision could be to focus not on having patients come to us but building the office in neighborhood communities which is the new focus for building smaller medical office next to shopping which makes it more convenient for patients. In reviewing the advantages of building the new facility there are slight amounts given location of the facility such as if the facility was built on campus it would cost an estimated amount of $600,000 versus the facility being build next to the campus which is a slight increase of $700,000 which is a difference of only 100,000. By building a secondary facility there would be additional cost for building an additional MRI which would be approximately $3,000,000 however, the off-set would be additional patients could utilize the MRI which would increase revenue. By building the facility the physician group is able to use the concept of build-to-suit in order to design a facility that has the capability to focus on space efficiency and maximize productivity. When mapping out plans for building a facility one aspect is the cost of per square foot to focus on. So if our medical office is between 6,000-7,000 and $350.00 per square foot which includes the land purchase price which would equal maximum of $2,450,000. However, if we build an office that is 10,000 square foot the price drops by $200.00 per square foot which then equals $1,500,000 which would be less than the first amount the better decision would be to build the 10,000 square foot building so in essence there would be more building at less cost and room to expand. When a medical institution is considering expanding it is highly essential to focus on the four areas listed below: Quality and Safety Service Excellence Staff Achievement Growth and Profitability By building a facility the focus will have a stronger success rate given the individualized location and being able to have a bigger impact based on being blended in with the hospital numbers. If the building were built the classes attendance might increase to >75% and the CMS orthopedic indicator set could also increase to >90th percentile which would specifically improve the quality and safety focus. By being in a location that is accessible by patients the best marketing tool is by word of mouth of the patients and they might be likely to increase the score of this measure of >90th percentage as well as the physician satisfaction score which all in all would meet the service excellence measures of the facility given the location the building is built in. The other aspect would be having a close medical office that specializes in orthopedics might decrease consensus of the hospital by decreasing the surgeries which is at 14,800 and decreasing the number of ER visits which is currently 36,100 which in turns would increase revenue of the medical office. By branching off from the hospital and building a facility the physician group would start from the beginning and higher the best orthopedic nursing staff to care for the patients and given the positive environment of the new office the retention rate of the staff would increase to >90% which would improve the staff achievement measures. Lastly, the surgical cases could increase to over 2100, and the physical therapy visits could increase to over 6,500 given the size of the building and amount of physicians of therapists that were hired to care for patients. This would in-turn increase the margin of greater than $2,171,500 which would exceed the growth and profitability measures. Another measure to focus on is the tax factor because a business can deduct the taxes taken out on the structure on an annual basis which can be a great cost savings including deducting interest on the purchase loan, property taxes and other qualifying expenses. Building this medical office it would implement a successful strategic plan outlined in the boards five year plan and increase not only in volume and improved financial performance for the hospital business. It will in-turn increase services offered to the community by using the most advanced approaches to prevent, or diagnose, including treating disease processes impacting thousands in the community. b. BUYING SPACE FOR THE NEW ORTHOPEDIC SERVICE LINE. Advantages of buying would include the tax benefits for example the interest on property taxes including mortgage could be tax-deductable and the investment property alone could possibly depreciate and the costs included with owning this type of space deemed as commercial could also be tax deductable. When buying a pre-existing building it gives more opportunity to convert the space to the business needs which can include building onto the existing property, or reconfiguring the property for a better business flow effect or even removal of certain parts of the property. The tax factor would also include any type of improvements that are made to a commercial real estate investment could be deducted for up to 39 years. A depreciation of a building could be taken into account for 39 years as well which is another advantage. If the building is purchased for $251,000 and say the land it stands on is valued at $61,000 then the company could write off a bit less than $5,500 annually. The annual interest can also be deducted on the purchase loan, any type of property taxes and additional expenses that qualify under tax codes. When borrowing money for a commercial investment from any lender the percentage could be between 60%-80% or even higher given the increase for being medical users which could be up to 90% for a acquisition cost or project cost which can require a type of investment of the left over cash and stipulate that the difference in cash be reinvested in the business anywhere between 10%-40%. A bank lender could require a higher down payment but in exchange include a reasonable borrowing term would be negotiated in the contracts. The advantage to buying a commercial building is that a bank lender looks at owner-occupied type businesses in a medical capacity more favorably and would grant the request for lending. In buying a commercial building there would be no rent adjustments and the mortgage would be a set amount each month so that there is a clear idea of any costs in the future. The fixed/variable cost factor is costs that would be set especially if the fixed-rate type of loan was issued for the property. As a selling point to owning commercial property if the value of the property has increased that is another advantage for making increased profit. The appreciation factor is considered a second business for example it could be considered real estate investing by the company. If there is additional unused space the decision could be made to rent out parts of the building to outside opportunities to create additional income from the rent of those parties. c. LEASING SPACE FOR THE NEW ORTHOPEDIC SERVICE LINE. Leasing advantages to physicians could be a great opportunity for using the finances to invest in the latest and greatest medical technology of equipment or computerized electronic medical record systems instead of using cash for building or buying a medical office and having cash tied up in investment properties. Leasing is better on a business cash flow because when purchasing occurs there is a large amount of finance tied up in the equity of the building itself. By leasing advantage it really wont require a large amount of capital to start. By having this money available which is known as working capital it opens the door to new opportunities that can arise in the future. When leasing a building it makes it simpler to be able to move into prime locations in the future such as a neighborhood medical office mixed in with shopping malls and this in-turn will eliminate the task of hiring a real estate agent and all that is involved with selling the property before vacating. By leasing the medical office building the money paid in the lease could possibly be used as a tax deduction. Using the cash outlay factor effect the company would not have to put forth much money as it would if building or buying a medical office. The growth factor would focus on if the space is outgrown given the amount of patients seen by the physicians in the medical office within the five year plan then the decision could be made to purchase or buy a larger building. If part of the building was leased to several different businesses and the owner was occupying part of the building than it is money in the bank by vacating that particular space and moving to a larger one but still having other businesses resume the open space. In some instances if more space was needed to expand and the office space was available by the owner then leasing more of that medical office space could be an opportunity to expand without the cost of purchasing a building which would eliminate the cost of moving. 2. DISCUSS THE DISADVANTAGES (LIABILITIES AND RISKS) FOR EACH OF THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS: a. BUILDING SPACE FOR THE NEW ORTHOPEDIC SERVICE LINE. Part of building the facility takes into account the site selection either on the hospital campus or off campus and analysis, any land development and regulatory approvals that must be followed, management of the design professionals and consultants specific to technology. The most important piece would be the knowledge of medical office building designs and the appropriate licensing and permit requirements by city and state required could be costly by having to hire the professional that has up to date knowledge and experience. Another important aspect is the regulatory approvals based on healthcare facilities and any start-up requirements mandated specifically to specialized practices such as orthopedics to include day surgery or procedures and radiation MRI buildings that could be a costly disadvantage. All of these specialized areas could be a building disadvantage if the wrong person is making the decisions because fines and penalties could be imposed if there are mistakes. Another piece to consider is the cost of construction companies to build the office which could be decided by requesting competitive bids from the construction companies and then choosing the best bid for the job given the specifications of the project. The bids themselves could be a disadvantage because of the time it takes to get the bids needed in order to make the decision. The other price to focus goes with construction such as the producer price index of materials. As the economy improves in society the price of the finished product could increase based on increased cost of materials. Building a facility is really the deployment of capital that is being considered on all aspects of this project and is seen as a very large disadvantage because the capital is tied up. The growth factor cold be a disadvantage given today buying a building is the current need and maybe attractive to the business at this time. However, this disadvantage cant predict 100% what the business will need in space or the growth in the next 5-10 year span. Time is money and the disadvantage of building would mean that there would need to be made contracts of negotiation created and signed for not only the construction company that will build the facility but also the companies in which the materials to be used would need contracts specific to price and the negotiation that would need to occur for pricing. These contracts would need to be negotiated so that both parties come to agreements on the terms and this could take up to 90 days to complete in some cases. b. BUYING SPACE FOR THE NEW ORTHOPEDIC SERVICE LINE. Buying disadvantages would be there would be more upfront costs than expected. The initial capital would include a down payment, and the possibility of improvements to property which increases cost and this would include any type of property appraisals and maintenance costs. There should also be an analysis of the cost of this opportunity of the money being spent and what other options are available if the buying of the medical office wasnt an option which if an analysis wasnt completed then this could be seen as a buying disadvantage because all options werent considered. There could be a possibility on the property balance sheet that could result in restrictions of future borrowing which can be the result of this real estate debt owed. This in-turn complicates things by making things difficult to change the business based on any type of market trends in the future because of the capital being tied up in real estate. By buying this could take the physician group time to purchase the exact property needed based on business purposed and this would restrict practices until the building was found and purchased. In medical offices today the location is essential and by owning the building a large disadvantage would be making things difficult to follow market trends and move to locations that are more convenient for the community and for the business. By owning the building this creates unforeseen operational costs and time and energy in maintaining the building and the existing property surrounding the building. This can be very costly and deter from business with time and money. If the decision was to lease out part of the building then that is adding a whole other amount of expenses that is unforeseen into the process. There would be additional expenses in being a landlord as well owner of the building. The cash outlay factor would be another disadvantage given more money would be needed in order to purchase a building instead of leasing. c. LEASING SPACE FOR THE NEW ORTHOPEDIC SERVICE LINE. Leasing disadvantages would include costs that are unexpected such as possible rent increases especially during the time in which the lease expires. Sometimes in the leasing contracts there could be an allowance of annual increases includes based on the consumer price index that if not pointed out could be extensive. By leasing there is a restriction based on the space and it adapting to the needs of the business there might not be room for expansion. When the business needs expansion and the space is limited there is only one choice which is to vacate which means if the lease or contract is for a period of time and the need of the business is under that amount of time then by the terms of the contract there would be fines and penalties involved if vacating before the expiration date of the contract of the lease. The fixed/variable cost factor is a large disadvantage based on the market trends especially when the lease expires. The huge disadvantage to leasing is that the business will be dependent on the landlord and what they are willing to change or modify for business needs. One piece a landlord owner can do is to terminate the contract lease if they have other plans for the property such as selling. Leasing a building is not an easy one given the market trends, the tax involved, and the financial analysis that would need to be completed before this decision to lease a business building was complete which takes time and money. An owner of a medical office can be forced to increase rent of the leased property to meet fair market value in adherence of Medicare regulations. Another disadvantage is regarding the fact of it being a medical office and the negotiated contract of a long term lease which varies between 5-15 years to estimate the improvements that can be costly to the building which are known as all-inclusive contract leases and triple net contract leases which means that the cost of the operating expenses in be changed to impact the physician group that leases the building which can be very much a huge costly disadvantage. 3. RECOMMEND WHAT YOU CONSIDER TO BE THE BEST OPTION FOR THE FACILITY. The recommendation regarding building, buying, or leasing a medical office would be to focus on clear objectives in the first step of the analysis. The impact of the decision will affect the finances of the business and any relationships with vendors and customers. The list of objectives needs to be compiled to identify all aspects needed for ownership versus leasing. By analyzing this information it could bring forth aspects that werent previously considered at the onset of the beginning which can change the overall decision. Some of the facts to consider in the recommendation are: Cost Control: When needing office space this is considered due to the change in market trends and business strategies as far as where the business needs to change or improve or expand. Businesses when making these type of decisions usually have capital to invest over long terms. However, if buying a building the structure itself, may need updates or improvements which would decrease the amount of capital for the improvements to occur. Location of the building: Business successful is highly dependent on the location of services it offices to the community. One of the critical factors in physician practice today is the accessibility and proximity for the patients which can justify paying a larger lease of office space based on this factor. If the building is bought or built and the areas that surround it is less desirable for patients then, the decision to resist any long term agreements might be considered. In this type of situation a lease would be more desirable based on the open door of being able to relocate to another facility when the business needs change. Expansion is another factor to consider based on the needs of the community and the business needs. If a lease was signed then the permission to expand or alter the building would need to be made by the owner and the costs of those changes would be based on the negotiated contract terms that were signed at the start. By owning the structure the difference is it makes it easier to change the space of the building without going through a landlord. Tax advantage focus would be to consider the current tax laws of the state and have the ability to shelter any type of taxable income. The write offs are increased over the last 20+ years including annual operating losses to be claimed that can no longer be used to off-set other taxable income as it was in the previous years. The losses that occur can possibly be used against real estate ventures and brought forward in order to still save on the taxes. The advantage could be that any revenue of the real estate itself could be taxed at the capital gains rate of return and this could be in fact lower than normal tax rates. In all there is tax advantages of real estate property that is owned versus leased but the entire decision should not be solely based on the tax factors. When leasing a property the related occupancy cost including rent, could be tax deductable for some sort of a tax reduction. The ROI (Return On Investment) has shown that physician groups have been disappointed at the retirement age because of lack of equity in the business. Several factors include property overpayment, property that has been leveraged over, lack of maintenance on the property, and unknown market conditions based on the economy. If an appraisal is done properly before the building is purchased it would show the current fair market value, financing that is lending favorable to a bank institution, and ways for equity build up on the property in question. If owning the building there is a way to make debt service payments each month, which in-turn increases the equity of the property by reducing the principal debt. By leasing the property instead of buying there is no concern regarding equity that is lacking or principle debt needing to be paid off base dont eh negotiated contract terms of the loan. By leasing the up keep of the building is the responsibility of the owner not the tenant that leases the building. Finance numbers should be evaluate by a CPA (Certified Public Account) to prepare a type of financial projection that can show costs associated with leasing the building versus purchasing the building or building the structure. This estimation will be needed in the event the decision to purchase a building is decided. This report can show income that is taxable or at a loss and can also show the cash flow analysis of what payment is needed is bought, built or leased. Negotiated contract terms are considered in all three aspects of building, buying, and leasing. These contract terms show financial lender rates and terms for financing or they can show terms based on leasing from the owner of the building structure. Recommendation would be to lease the building structure in order to have capital in reserve. By engaging a design architect and estimate costs of any renovations needed in advance gives a better picture of what is needed in finances to start. Given the opportunity to change based on market trends and location is appealing and an option based on leasing the space of an office building. In reviewing the fact that an OB/GYN specialty group was not successful in a previous attempt allows for a trial period to show if the needs of the community will be met with the orthopedic office. If the market trend in times shows that the need is not as anticipated as expected then it is easier to terminate a lease then selling an office building. Any costs associated with leasing is not always the tenants responsibility this can be an advantage based on the negotiated contract terms of the lease and maybe the costs could be shared or possibly a negotiation of several months of rent would not need paid while the physician group paid for the necessary changes to the building based on the business. By giving the orthopedic practice time to access any long-term goals, and focus on cash requirements needed weighed against the risk of long term building ownership the decision to else would increase revenue to invest in new technology equipment and computer electronic medical record systems. The lease option would in-turn free up some of the capital for other type of business investments to increase revenue. Given the unpredictability of the current economy, loss of jobs for people in the community which amounts to loss of healthcare coverage which in-turn is loss of business for the orthopedic practice. It is better to make a temporary decision to lease a facility and see what the community need will be in 5 years from now.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Albert Einstein :: essays research papers

Albert Einstein   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Einstein was a German/American physicist who contributed more to the 20th century vision of physical reality than any other scientist. Einstein's theory of RELATIVITY seemed to a lot of people to be pure human thought, as did his other theories. LIFE Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Einstein's parents were nonobservant Jews. They moved to Munich from Ulm when Einstein was an infant. The family business was to manufacture electrical equipment. When the business failed in 1894, the family move to Milan, Italy. He decided to officially give up his German citizenship. With in a year, still not having completed secondary school, he failed and examination that allow him to follow studies that would lead to a diploma in electrical engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (the Zurich Polytechnic). He spent the following year in Aarau where there were excellent teachers and an excellent physics facility. In 1896 he returned to the Zurich Polytechnic, there he graduated in 1900 as a secondary school teacher of math and physics. Two years later, he acquired a post at the Swiss patent office in Bern. While he was employed there from 1902 to 1909, he completed an extraordinary range of publications in theoretical physics. Most parts of there were written in his spare time. In 1905 he submitted one of his many scientific papers to the University of Zurich to obtain a Ph.D. degree. In 1908 he sent another scientific paper to the University of Bern and became a lecturer there. In 1914 Einstein returned to Germany but did not reapply for citizenship. He was one of only handful of German professors who was opposed the use of force and did not support Germany's war aims. After the war, the allies wanted the removal of German scientist from international meetings, but Einstein was a Jew and traveling with a Swiss passport, he remained an acceptable German delegate. Albert Einstein's political views as a pacifist and a Zionist placed him against conservatives in Germany, who labeled him a traitor and a defeatist. In Germany there was a rise of fascism, so he moved to the united states in 1933 and abandoned his pacifism. He unwillingly agreed that the new danger (the Germans) had to be brought down by force of arms. In 1939 he sent a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt that urged America to continue to develop an ATOMIC BOMB before the Germans did. This letter was one of many exchanges the White House and Einstein had. This contributed to Roosevelt's decision to fund what became the MANHATAN PROJECT.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Global Overview of Water Situation

Chapter 1: Introduction1.0 BACKGROUND1.0.1 A planetary overview of H2O state of affairsWater is the most of import natural resources impacting human endurance. The H2O supply is a important factor in the economic activity of a state. Not merely the economic system but the safety of human public wellness and the environment( Yahya A. Shekha, 2013 ) are of import issues which are the pillars when supervising parametric quantities used in measuring H2O and effluent. This being said, half a billion people live in water-stressed or water-scarce states and by 2025 that figure will turn to three billion due to an addition in population( Hanjra and Qureshi, 2010 ). Furthermore, 2 million diarrheal deceases related to insecure H2O, sanitation and hygiene are monitored yearly ( WHO 2015 ) with Mauritius being ranked at the 117 topographic point ( World Health Rankings, 2011 ) .1.0.2Overview of the H2O situation/crisis in Mauritius [ R.JP1 ]Mauritius a tropical island of 1,261,208 people( Statistics of Mauritius, 2014 )is said to be fortunate plenty to hold sufficient H2O resources to get by with the current demand. However, it should be noted that a high proportion of the rainfall occurs during the summer months and cyclones.Thematic Working Group ( 2011 )explains that from a sum of 3900 Mm3of rainfall ; 2067 Mm3goes as surface overflow with 744 Millimeters3of it traveling to reservoirs, lakes and rivers while 9 % and 38 % are used to reload aquifers and are lost through evapotranspiration severally, therefore amounting the island’s utilisable potency to merely about 1300 Mm3, finally conveying the state in a H2O emphasis state of affairs. This is farther demonstrated byMekonnen & A ; Hoekstra ( 2011 )who put Mauritius at a degree of 74 % in the extremely water-scarce states that have a big external H2O dependence and besides by theUnited Nations Development Programme ( UNDP ) Human Development Reportwhich stipulates that the H2O supply is of 1083 m3per individual per twelvemonth which is good below the criterion of 1700 m3per individual per twelvemonth.1.1 Water use and remedial for H2O scarceness in MauritiusMauritius really obtains fresh H2O from two resources viz.Surface H2O from 11 reservoirs,Groundwater from 350 boreholes taking H2O from 5 chief and 3 secondary aquifers.( Digest of Energy and Water Statistics 2012, Rageshwar Pokhun 2002 and V. Proag 2006 ) .Harmonizing toDigest of Energy and Water Statistics ( 2013 ), of the overall 888 Millimeter3of H2O used by the state ; 26 % is used by the domestic, industrial and touristry sector, 32 % by the hydropower Stationss while the major staying 42 % goes to the agri cultural sector. Not merely in Mauritius but from whatHanjra and Qureshi ( 2010 ), the dominant user of H2O is irrigated agribusiness which accounts for 80 % of the planetary H2O usage this is where the demand for effluent reuse has been prompted. Conventional effluent direction as explained byChin et Al. ( 2009 )adopts the ‘Mix-First-and-Separate-Later’ construct whereby the wastewaters approaches the features of greywater therefore doing the separation at beginning the manner out for better H2O quality.1.1.1The possible public-service corporation of domestic effluent at beginningDue to the major H2O crisis being felt worldwide and locally, an increasing involvement has been drawn to the onsite reuse of greywater as a method to decrease the overall H2O demand( Gilboa & A ; Friedler )and has already become platitude in H2O stressed states like Australia and Mediterranean( Revitt. 2010 ). Knowing that Mauritius has merely 29 % of its population connected to sewer while the staying rely on on-site effluent disposal system( R. Joysury. et Al. 2012 ), the above would be a good enterprise in order to cut down the H2O demand in the state. is effluent from bathing tub, showers, kitchen sink s, rinsing machines and toilets and is worldly recognised as an alternate H2O beginning for non-potable utilizations( Couto, EA. et Al. 2014 ).Matos. et Al. ( 2002 )provinces that it is produced on a much higher volume and lower degree of pollution as blackwater therefore doing it a possible H2O resource option if gaining control before it reaches the cloaca.EPA ( 2002 )estimations greywater’s day-to-day coevals per capita to be 200 to 300 liters and stand foring 50-80 % of entire effluent at family degree( Aguiar do Couto. et Al. 2014 ) From research done byAmy Vickers ( 2001 )on H2O use in the domestic sector, it came to visible radiation that the indoor H2O use is 69 % while the out-of-door one is 31 % . From these 69 % , sing a individual household H2O conserving place, 8 chief classs are found viz. lavatory, showers, spigots, baths, dishwasher, apparels washer, leaks and other domestic public-service corporations in the proportions illustrated in figure 1.1. Figure 1.1: Pie chart demoing the mean indoor H2O usage in a conserving individual household place adapted from Amy Vickers ( 2001 ) This immense sum of H2O if treated can be considered for applications such as toilet/urinal flushing, irrigation intents, vehicle lavation, fire protection, boiler provender H2O, concrete production and saving of wetlands and is expected to cut down fresh H2O demand by 30 %( Jefferson. et Al. 2004 )hence bettering the H2O usage efficiency and could play a notable function in future H2O direction schemes( March & A ; Gual, 2009 ) .1.1.2The outgrowth of new eco-friendly intervention systemsBing biologically polluted, greywater represents a high healthful hazard in footings of spread of micro-organisms and needs biological greywater intervention engineering such as membrane bioreactor, revolving biological contactor or constructed wetland. In order to utilize greywater at its full usage, onsite intervention is compulsory, one eco-friendly, simple operation and care and low-priced option for effluent intervention in developing waterless and semi-arid states would be Constructed Wetlands ( CWs )( United States Environmental Protection bureau 1993, UN-HABITAT, 2008, Abdel-Shafy. et Al. 2009 ). When sing onsite greywater reuse, factors such as healthful, environmental and aesthetic quality demand besides to be expression after due to its propinquity to the general populace. Finally effectual disinfection system which are robust, inexpensive safe, low care and simple demand to be accomplished beforehand ( Friedler & A ; Gilboa, 2010 ) so as to run intoing H2O quality demands before usage. Harmonizing toJefferson. et Al. ( 2004 ), the H2O quality demands for each applications are geospecific nevertheless by and large consist of standards such as organic, solids and microbiological content of the H2O. In Mauritius, the quality demands for H2O reuse are given in the Environmental Protection Act of 2002. Throughout this thesis the relevancy of obtained informations will be compared with the criterion of wastewater for usage in irrigation of the environment protection ordinances 2003 ( Environment Protection Act, 2002 ) . As mentioned byMainon. et Al. ( 2014 ), both a suited intervention and disinfection units are recommended as preventative step for on-site greywater reuse.1.2PurposesIn this survey, we will look into two established oxidization methods for effluent disinfection which are chlorination and UV visible radiation radiation. Their single public presentations in extinguishing the public wellness hazards through quantitative analysis of pathogens indexs ( Entire Coliforms & A ; Faecal Coliforms ) in treated greywater arising from an onsite horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland ( HSSFCW ) of a individual family will be assessed. The disinfected H2O will be considered for reuse for non-potable intents such as irrigation and should stay to the criterions of wastewater for irrigation given in EPA 2002.1.3AimsThe aims are as follows:Design and building of an HSSFCW at a individual family degree.Monitoring of the Entire Coliforms and Faecal Coliforms in treated H2O from a HSSFCW.Measuring Cl and UV disinfection of the treated H2O.Statistical analyse of informations obtained from laboratory experiments and verify if the disinfected greywater meets the criterion of wastewater for usage for irrigation in conformity with EPA 2002.Proposing the least-costly method of disinfection that can be applied at a individual family degree.Thingss to add: The chief disbursals related to sewage services are capital cost, operation and care costs and the procurance of land. In this sense appropriate engineering should be low-cost ( capital cost ) have a low operation and care cost ( sustainability ) , be effectual in run intoing the discharge criterions ( efficiency ) give the least nuisance ( public acceptableness ) and be environmentally friendly. Therefore natural effluent intervention processes ( ie non-electromechanical, utilizing physical and biological procedures ) that are simple, low-priced and low care are preferred as appropriate options for conventional effluent intervention by any state but particularly in developing states in the tropical countries. ( Mburu. et Al, 2013 ) ( Vymazal, 2008 ) Constructed wetlands with horizontal subsurface flow have beed used for effluent intervention for more than 30 old ages. These effluent scope from domestic, industrial such as petrochemical, nutrient processing and distilleries among so much and agricultural sectors with each exhibiting BOD and COD removal above 60 % . Typical composing of municipal effluents BOD5: 220 mg/l Pod: 500 mg/l Toxic shock: 220 mg/l NH4-N: 25 mg/l NOX-N: 0 mg/l Norg: 15 mg/l TKN: 40 mg/l TP: 8 mg/l Pedescoll. Et Al, 2011 Low energy demands and non-specialised work force for works direction are among the most of import advantages of SSFCWs in comparing to conventional options such as the activated sludge procedures Chen et Al 2014 Due to climate alteration and population growing around 80 states and 40 % of the world’s population are sing H2O emphasis, both in footings of H2O scarceness and quality impairment. Wastewater renewal for direct and indirect utilizations is considered to be one of the options that could be used to relieve H2O deficits in waterless and semi-arid parts. Villasenor et Al 2013 One of the classical low cost engineerings for effluent intervention involves constructed wetlands. These systems consist of wetlands that are isolated from the environment around them and have effluent. Depending on the type of CWs, they are formed by different elements including macrophytes workss, a porous solid bed and a assorted population of micro-organisms in the signifier of biofilms. Water purification is achieved by a complex combination of natural physical, chemical and biological phenomena. One of the chief types of CWs is the horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland ( HSSF-CW ) in which H2O circulates through a porous bed of crushed rock on which macrophytes workss turn. Morato. Et Al, 2014 Water deficit in waterless and semi-arid countries such as the Mediterranean have prompted a demand for effluent intervention and subsequent reuse. Reclamation can be achieved through conventional intensive systems or natural, ecologically engineered interventions such as horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands. Depending on effluent type, some infective micro-organisms may be present and hence wastewater renewal processes with disinfection could be required. As enteric beings, most may non last and may besides be destroyed by predation. Water temperature, organic affair concentration and hydraulic conditions such as flow, aspect ratio and farinaceous media type are some of the most of import factors regulating happening and growing of feasible bugs in biofilms developed elsewhere. In general, most surveies on fecal micro-organism remotion in constructed wetlands merely describe entire and fecal coliform remotion. Research utilizing experimental, pilot and all-out constructed wetlands has shown that fecal coliform bacteriums inactivation normally ranges between 1.25 and 2.5 log units.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Preludes by T.S Elliot and Vitae Lampada by Sir Henry Newton Essay

Reading both poems for the first time, there seemed to be no distinct or even vague similarities between the two poems, Preludes, by T.S Elliot and Vitae Lampada by Sir Henry Newton. However, after reading each thoroughly a few more times and carefully evaluating them, several key similarities and as always, differences, began to reveal themselves. Both Preludes as well as Vitae Lampada begines with a time introductory statement. â€Å"There’s a breathless hush in the close tonight.† From Vitae Lampada, and â€Å"The winter evening settles down† from Preludes. Both these sentences inform us of the time, a sort of evening, just after dark. The very next sentences from each poem are also similar. â€Å"Ten to make and a match to win† and â€Å"With smells of steaks in passageways†. These sentences are written by the poets to set a scene, as one would set a scene in a drama play, but in poetry, with words. These two sentences give us a strong visual image of what the rest of the poem is about. â€Å"Ten to make and a match to win† is similar to that of a game of cricket, and as in cricket, it gives a certain tension of the stakes, to win the match. Prelude’s â€Å"With smells of steaks in passageways† gives us a vision of a lonely passageway, with smells of steaks suggests that the person the author is describing could possibly be an outcast of society, wondering around the streets in evening. Vitae Lampada goes further into describing itself. â€Å"And It’s not for the sake of a ribboned coat, or the selfish hope of a season’s fame.† -immediately tells us that what they are encountering in their match, what they need to win, is not a one man team, but rather the whole team working as one. Not for personal glory but for much higher stakes, for the entire team. Preludes now introduces a picture of a low, dirty place. â€Å"The grimy scraps, of withered leaves about your feet.† A grimy place, a dirty place, somewhere that is not well maintained, with stray withered leaves across the floor. The next few lines† The showers beat on broken blinds and chimney pots.† Once again an image of a badly maintained place, with rain beating on broken pots that are left behind. On the whole, a negative image. Vitae Lampada, is also setting in a negative image, an image of lost hope and despair. â€Å"The sand of the desert is sodden red -Red with the wreck of a square that broke;† A square, in this case is referring to a formation of troops. Sir Henry Newbolt is comparing the aspect of war, with a game of cricket and this extended metaphor has worked exceedingly well in managing to contrast and yet bring the two closer together. Sodden red suggests that a great many soldiers have died and their blood spilled across the battlefield. The next two lines, add deeper to the feeling of despair. â€Å"The gatling’s jammed and the colonel dead, And the regiment blind with dust and smoke† The soldiers that Sir Henry Newbolt is referring to here is not in a bright situation, with their guns jammed, and their leader (colonel) dead, and the entire regiment of them blind in the dust and smoke, it is indeed apparent that a deep feeling of desolation is introduced. And, as in Preludes, a negative image is painted. Revolving around time appears to be the main theme in Preludes. The start of the second stanza â€Å"the morning comes to consciousness,† lets us know that the morning has come, after the evening in the first stanza. And time is also in the fourth stanza â€Å"the conscience of a blackened street.† could possibly mean after dark. And a few lines before, four and five and six o’clock suggests that time is moving quickly. The final stanza of Vitae Lampada uses a few † strong words† possibly to reinforce it’s meaning. â€Å"Every one of her sons must hear, and none that hears it dare forget.† Her sons, this of course, means the country’s people and the strong word â€Å"must† hear, hear the patriotism perhaps? And â€Å"dare† forget. â€Å"dare† is a strong word, a threat even. Threatening them to remember their loyalty, and to never forget it. Vitae Lampada’s last few lines, bring a sudden contrast, compared to the rest of the poem. The second stanza is an image of despair, but here, the final touch to the sense of patriotism is added. â€Å"Bear through life like a torch in flame, and falling fling to the host behind.† This sentence carries a great deal of meaning to the main theme of the poem. Bear through life like a torch in flame suggests that these troops, instead of hopelessness, now carry a symbol, a beacon of light. The torch, could be as a baton is passed on in a game of relay. â€Å"As falling fling to the host behind†. When a soldier falls in battle, his effort is not lost, not wasted, but instead, passed on to those behind, as they march forward, with the flaming torch. These two poems have indeed, very different ideas and themes, but they both have several things in common. For a start, both Preludes and Vitae Lampada use time description to allow the reader a window in which to see the rest of the poem. Both are describing, metaphorically, aspects of life. And they both, to an extent, use negative images to describe, to paint their visual images to the reader.